Ethics Code

The following code of ethics rules the evaluators of CACEI:

  1. Conduct themselves with justice, honesty, respect, responsibility, integrity, good sense and in strict observance of legal and ethical standards established by CACEI.
  2. Apply the best of their professional knowledge and experience during the performance of their duties as a member of CACEI..
  3. Apply Ia methodology and regulations established by CACEI.
  4. Promptly attend visits that are programmed in educational institutions and perform honorably, with a constructive attitude and prepared to open dialogue.
  5. Do not issue judgments, biased, discriminatory or derogatory comments related to the name or reputation of individuals or educational institutions in which performs as an evaluator of CACEI.
  6. Meet timely all the issues that arise as part of the exercise of their functions during visits to the HEI.
  7. Be impartial and conform to reality when issuing an opinion or judgment in any situation and to any authority or person.
  8. Maintain a cordial relationship, respectful and collaborative with evaluator colleagues.
  9. Give credit to colleagues, advisors, and collaborators for their role in the processes of evaluation and accreditation-related activities.
  10. Do not participate in the assessment of institutions or programs which exist or may have a conflict of interest.
  11. Do not accept gifts or favors additional to those permitted by the regulations of CACEI.
  12. Be individually liable for acts which, during the exercise of their duties, damage or harm to third parties, even when done collectively
  13. Judge bias-free, impartially and honestly about the state that holds the evaluated program.
  14. Prepare evaluation reports with the methodological rigor established by CACEI.
  15. Maintain confidentiality of all information learn about programs and institutions evaluated.